Jun 29, 2012


Matt Biolos recently wrote about us in his blog as we made some boards for Nationals this year:
"June….Every year San Clemente (and OC in General) becomes the center of the UNiverse for contest surfers not yet old enough to carry a gun into war….or vote for that matter. The NSSA Nationals, in HB…The "King of the Groms" and the grand daddy of them all…The US Champs, where every little mighty might gets to have precious private time in the legendary long, soft and swattable peaks of Lower trestles. With that comes board orders, both from well organized youngsters and last minute shucksters. Here's a few we did collaborating with Keahana , Brazilian Epoxy technology. The Hawaiian contingent of Seth Muniz, Luke Hitchcock, and big Zeke Lau, who if theres some size this year should be the favorite to win the Mens titles."

 Thanks Mayhem for working with us! 

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