Aug 5, 2011


Many would call him "The Animal" because his wave approach in all types of conditions.

The international media knows that Peterson "Bronco" Rosa was a show man for many years. He was a dangerous and unpredicatable competitor during his years on the WCT. Many would call him the "Animal" because his wave approach in all types of conditions.

Peterson is not finished yet, for those that haven't heard from the Peterson lately, he just finished 3rd at Supersurf ASP World Masters Championships last week in Rio de Janeiro. Great result for Peterson after advancing heats from against guys such as Tom Curren, Occy, Shea Lopes and Luke Egan.

After Job well done in Rio, "The Animal" decided to travel to south of Brazil and again got some good waves.

Peterson still a mystery guy for the international media because his unique surf skills and life style. However, for the KEAHANA crew , we know pretty well one of his flying secrets.

Look close to his logos and you will find out what Tech is he using.

Pics by: James Thisted

And "The Animal", Peterson Rosa will keep on flying for many years!


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